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Jump To: Directory (23)  |  Archive (3)  |  Other (8)

Directories (23)
Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
Another Fine Mess4   Combat Aid 1.04   DayOne5
Exile 1.314   Exile II - Crystal Souls12   Firewitch2
Game with Fields2   Giza 1.28   Gold Pusher 1.35
IF Competition 95 Inform14   IF Competition 95 TADS14   Mess o' Trouble 1.64
NetRPG6   Realmz 2.43   Shadow of the Dragon Part 17
Shelby2   SwordDream-SecretDeGrisb4   TaskMaker v2.25
The Ultimate Warrior3   The Ultimate Warrior 2.023   Virtual Maze Book5
Zebulon2   Zork4

Archives (3)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
Desk Fighter -TURBO- 1.4 MacBinary 2 779KB 1995-12-07
Icon↵ MacBinary 1 2KB 1995-11-07
Resolve Combat MacBinary 2 68KB 1996-02-06

Other Files (8)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
Battle Planets 1.5.1 installer MacOS Executable 2 2MB 1996-01-21
Christminster MacOS Executable 2 523KB 1996-01-09
Curses MacOS Executable 2 554KB 1996-01-24
Jigsaw MacOS Executable 2 600KB 1996-01-24
Palace 1.0.2 Install MacOS Executable 2 3MB 1995-12-18
StarGates 1.0 installer MacOS Executable 2 2MB 1996-01-21
The Path to Fortune MacOS Executable 2 613KB 1996-01-19
Theatre MacOS Executable 2 481KB 1996-01-09